Impact Report: unwavering support as demand for help on the rise


Women’s Legal Service Victoria is expanding access and support to women experiencing violence as it works to create a more equitable society, free from gendered violence. 

Our 2023 Impact Report shows how the organisation has revamped its service model to improve access to the legal, financial and social work services we provide to thousands of Victorian women each year.  

In addition to client service delivery, the team of 60 talented staff members have trained and consulted thousands of professionals to understand the law and family violence, and successfully advocated for safer laws.  

All the details are in the 2023 Impact Report which was presented to members at the 2023 Annual General Meeting held on 20 November 2023.   

Women’s Legal Board Chair Jane Welsh said the organisation’s dedication to providing trauma-informed support made these achievements possible.  

 “The whole team is determined to expand access and quality support for women experiencing violence and create a society free from gendered violence. We will continue to be here for women with passion, empathy, and courage.” 

MEDIA CONTACT: Zoe Edwards, Strategic Communications and Engagement Manager | E [email protected]

Illustration of two hands holding each other. 2384 benefited from legal help
15% of women we work with don't have a permanent home or are at risk of experiencing homelessness. 4% of Victorians currently experience homelessness
54% of women we work with experience financial disadvantage
of the women we supported last financial year 8 out of 10 say legal advice informed decisions about their legal issue.; access our assistance when they first needed it
Education and training impact. 165 lawyers trained in best-practice family violence response. 1147 people working with women at risk of or experiencing family violence trained to identify legal issues
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Our office is closed

We will reopen at 9am Monday 8 January 2024.


You can contact Victoria Legal Aid for legal support or Safe Steps for family violence support. 


Our duty lawyer services will continue during this period. Please contact your local court if you need legal help at court.


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