Respect And Equality In The Legal Sector

Women’s Legal Service Victoria is working with Victoria’s legal sector to foster safe, fair and equitable workplaces. 

Respect and Equality in the Legal Sector – supported by WorkSafe’s WorkWell Respect Fund – will help legal firms meet their new legal obligations to prevent gendered violence, improve systems for reporting work-related gendered violence, including sexual harassment and responses to them. 

Safe, inclusive and respectful workplaces are the foundation of successful, productive and healthy workforces. 

Work or have worked in the legal sector? Have your say

The first step of our project is to find out what people think Victoria’s legal sector must change to make legal workplaces more respectful, safe and equal. 

We specifically want to hear from people who have sexual harassment and other forms of gendered-violence while working in the legal sector. By sharing your experiences with the Respect and Equality in Victoria’s Legal Sector project you will help create solutions to ensure legal workplaces are safe and equal for everyone. 


This project is supported by WorkSafe’s WorkWell Respect Fund 

Victoria State Government. Supported by WorkSafe Victoria WorkWell
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Our office is closed

We will reopen at 9am Monday 8 January 2024.


You can contact Victoria Legal Aid for legal support or Safe Steps for family violence support. 


Our duty lawyer services will continue during this period. Please contact your local court if you need legal help at court.


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